Inspired By The Caterpillar: Taking Heart in the Midst of Transformation
Transformation is difficult. It’s incredibly hard and sometimes painful to walk through change, especially when you are in the midst of the transition. However, it’s important to remember that this metamorphosis is what brings you closer to who you are meant to be. I find the caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly an encouraging parallel to reflect on when facing the challenging emotions and experiences that change brings.
According to Scientific American, when caterpillars are born, they are born with everything they need in order to become a butterfly. However, in order to become its true self, the caterpillar must undergo an incredibly intense metamorphosis. “To become a butterfly, a caterpillar first digests itself. But certain groups of cells survive, turning the soup into eyes, wings, antennae and other adult structures.”
Does the caterpillar’s transformation from caterpillar-to-caterpillar-soup-to-butterfly sound easy? Absolutely not!
Similarly, when we decide to pursue or embrace change in our lives, we often have to let go of habits, activities, or things in our life that previously brought us validation or protection from pain.
One of my clients recently committed to searching for her authentic self and with that goal she began letting go of many habits she had practiced for the validation of others, including straightening her hair.
This is an example of a simple change. However, in these moments of transformation, it’s important to remember that letting go of these defense mechanisms is what makes room for change. If you held onto them, you would not experience the growth you desire. Take heart knowing that it is often in the difficult moments that you grow the most!
Just like caterpillars are born with everything they need to become a butterfly, you are born with everything you need to become your true self. Embrace the change that it takes to get there with the knowledge that you have everything you need within yourself.
It is a privilege to walk through these chapters of change with my clients each and every day. If you are searching for change, healing, or clarity in your life, please feel free to get in touch to learn how therapy can support you!