The Hidden Gifts of the Enneagram: Reconnecting with Your Essential Quality
The dance between passion, fixation, and essential quality The Concept of Essential Qualities in the Enneagram A few months ago, I started readin...
Soul Child: What part of you did you lose in childhood?
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth, and healing, but there are so many facets of it that most of my clients have never eve...
Embracing The Enneagram: A Tool for Deep Personal Growth, Not Just a Personality Test
Perhaps you’ve taken the Enneagram Test in school or at work. Maybe you’ve never heard of it. The Enneagram is a personality framework that has a r...
Harmonic Groups - What Happens When You Don't Get What You Want
The Harmonic Groups are another way we can group the Enneagram into three groups of three. This grouping is organized around the way our personalit...
How to Manage Working From Home by Enneagram Number
A large portion of the world has found themselves suddenly plucked out of their traditional work environment and spending more time at home. A quic...
What Is The Enneagram?
The Enneagram seems to be a hot topic these days. While it’s often compared to personality tests like the Meyers-Briggs or the DISC, it’s actually ...
How Do You Get What You Want - Hornevian Groups
Let’s talk about a lesser-known splitting of the Enneagram into three sections called the Horvenian Triads, or sometimes called the Social Stances....